- KUA is to create conditions for sustainable development by engaging in infrastructure projects with long term enduring effects, working with indigenous population and partners;
- These conditions are such that the children especially those from vulnerable families should have access to formal education, proper nutrition, clean water, alternative livelihoods and a healthy environment.
KUA is a charity
organization devoted to promote education amongst children under seven years in
Rwanda with bias to most vulnerable like
disabled, orphans, and all the children whose parents are very poor, separated, genocide survivors, prostitutes, and underage mothers
disabled, orphans, and all the children whose parents are very poor, separated, genocide survivors, prostitutes, and underage mothers
- Promote ECCD Centers and home particularly for vulnerable children
- Fight against HIV/AIDS and others pandemics;
- Promote Protection and child Right
- Promote partnership with other organization with similar objectives
- Promote training and sensitization of parents on advantages of Education to their children particular those joining nursery school